Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Right so this week as some of you know, someone made a fake blog basically taking the mick out of my blog and it got me thinking,either someone must hate me aaaaaaaaaa lot OR someone is incredibly jealous of me (I'm going to go for the latter). So all I would like to say to that person as they read this is thank-you for going to all of the trouble of making your blog look and sound exactly like mine,if I could give you a gold star for effort I would. Also if you don't like my blog don't read it. :)   (I tried to find a picture on google of something to say to my mysterious blogger friend,but this was all that came up...what I have to say is along the same lines as the second one. DAMMIT GOOGLE MAKING ME LOOK LIKE A CHAV! )

If I've learnt anything from it,I think it is that in life,someone out there is always going to find a reason to hate you,no matter how amazing you are (I'm pretty amazing) and it's the same with your fashion choices. No matter how much you love an outfit,someone out there is always going to find something to pick at, no matter how great you look. So what do you do? You wear it more. Just to annoy them (cue evil laugh). So that is what I plan on doing with my blog,writing just as much as ever, just to show that 'foul,loathsome little cockroach' (to quote Hermione) that I am better than them and just to annoy them HAHA.

So all I'm trying to say is this,don't be afraid to wear what you want and stand out, because the people that will judge you,are those that are too afraid to do what you're doing.

People will stare,make it worth their while...or show them your Jenna Marble's face.

If you feel like you are getting cyber bullied or anything similar has happened to you,why not talk to my friend,she's here to help.

Thank-you to everyone that has given me such positive feedback and support over the last few days,you're all amazing. I'm sorry this hasn't really been about fashion but it had to be said. A big fat fashiony post next time I pinky promise.

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