Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Happy Wednesday,

Right so you know that look,I'm not quite sure what to call it,the kind of 'hipster',grungey look,where girls wear denim shorts,and tights and some kind of leather jacket or a washed out tee? Before my friends cyber-bully me for slating everything they wear (lol sorry HB's i love you all) I AM NOT SLATING THIS KIND OF OUTFIT!!!!!!I am guilty of rocking this look (you can't just wear it you either rock it or stop it) but I don't think it is acceptable to attempt this look if you are over the age of ooh I don't know? TWENTY FIVE. No word of a lie I saw a, more mature woman (shall we say) definitely NOT rocking one of these outfits (stahp please) and I just wanted to share with the internet that there are some things you cannot wear. Ever. If you do I will be forced to curse you and your children and your great great grandchildren (not really,i'll most likely give you a pittying look, in my head of course,I'm too scared for my personal well-being).

But it's not just the people that wear things inappropriate for their age,that make me want to spontaneously combust and hope that all my insides stain their outfits, it's people that wear things that do not suit their body shape. Sometimes this may be through no fault of their own,but please women of the world stop.

So don't worry I will help you find more flattering clothes. First you have to determine which body shape you are.

 Choose which body shape best describes yours and then click on the link for that category.                    Tall: 
Inverted triangle:

Tall shape

Hope these helped:)

To: 'Sharing Happyness'

Here are the tops I cut:)
They look a lot better in person-promise! Dammit stupid camera.

<This one isn't as wonky as it looks...

1 comment:

  1. thank you! they look good! it does look preety wonky but funky wonky. Did you plait the back of the navy blue one?
