Before I start rambling just like to thank everyone for reading my blog and say if you like it or if you don't (either way idc) can you please please please share with people in anyway possible(tweet the link,retweet my tweets about the link,share with your google plus followers,click the little g+1 button underneath where it says comments,or in my case no comments). So yes TANKYEW for reading!
I've spent most of today going through my wardrobe and getting rid of things I don't want anymore,but instead of throwing them out or giving them to charity I decided I would try and customise them. For a while I've wanted a few crop tops for the holidays but they're like £8 from topshop and as much as I lurveeee topshop I am not paying £8 for half a top. Sorry.
So I decided to cut the (no longer groovy) tops into different lengths and EH VOILA. 2 completely different tops that look jazzy and did not cost me £8 or the hassle of me plodding down to enfield town(the nearest topshop).
As you can tell I'm pretty pleased with myself aha.
But yes I just wanted to share my disgust with the world that TOPSHOP ARE SELLING HALF OF A TOP FOR £8 and recycling your old clothes may sound a bit er, trampy, but if you are on a tight budget and have loads of old clothes,why not?Plus it took me about 3 minutes to do.
Once you get into it you can do more than just cutting,you could stitch(if you're any good) or if like me you were not blessed with the talent of sewing(or just lazy),tell your grandma what you want and she'll do it. (or someone else old). Old people looooooooooove to sew.
Or just go to topshop and buy that £8 crop top but don't be happy about it.
Can we see the lovely new tops????