Today's post is an appreciation post for all of those fashionable people in sixth form all over the world,because when that's me, I am not going to look as stylish as you,dang, AIN'T NO BODY GOT TIME FO DAT. When I roll out of bed in the morning, I literally roll,and I'm not conscious of the world around me till at least break.
So well done,to the people that get up in the morning before school and pick their outfit or prepare their outfit the night before.
Well done to the people that actually look nice in my school and have obviously made an effort.(Any people from my school reading this: do I mean you??? You will never know......unless you ask me......don't ask me you scare me).
Well done to the people that I see in the hall and like what you're wearing,I have respect for you.
Because I know that I will not look even remotely presentable. Uniform is actually a blessing in disguise. It means that I don't have to stress the morning(aka night before aka the week before) about what I'm going to wear. If I wanted to look decent over the next 2 years I would probably start making a timetable of what outfits I wear on which days.(On Wednesday's we wear pink). It's funny, my friends compare me to Monica Geller,but I don't see it...
Creating a fashion blog probably wasn't the best idea because now people are going to judge my outfits lol oh well.
And to the people that don't make an effort,I feel your pain bruh.
Because who has the time or effort to look fashionable all the time?
Lol jk I do, I wore heels to the park once,but that's another story my friends.
Btw, to Ariel Fish/Erick Fish/ Fish in boots: