Monday, 29 April 2013

Hola everybody,

Today's post is an appreciation post for all of those fashionable people in sixth form all over the world,because when that's me, I am not going to look as stylish as you,dang, AIN'T NO BODY GOT TIME FO DAT. When I roll out of bed in the morning, I literally roll,and I'm not conscious of the world around me till at least break.

So well done,to the people that get up in the morning before school and pick their outfit or prepare their outfit the night before.
Well done to the people that actually look nice in my school and have obviously made an effort.(Any people from my school reading this: do I mean you??? You will never know......unless you ask me......don't ask me you scare me).
Well done to the people that I see in the hall and like what you're wearing,I have respect for you.

Because I know that I will not look even remotely presentable. Uniform is actually a blessing in disguise. It means that I don't have to stress the morning(aka night before aka the week before) about what I'm going to wear. If I wanted to look decent over the next 2 years I would probably start making a timetable of what outfits I wear on which days.(On Wednesday's we wear pink). It's funny, my friends compare me to Monica Geller,but I don't see it...

Creating a fashion blog probably wasn't the best idea because now people are going to judge my outfits lol oh well.

And to the people that don't make an effort,I feel your pain bruh.

Because who has the time or effort to look fashionable all the time?

Lol jk I do, I wore heels to the park once,but that's another story my friends.

Btw, to Ariel Fish/Erick Fish/ Fish in boots:
 Where my Chanel at?

Friday, 26 April 2013

Howdy minions, (that's what you are,my minions)

As requested by all you lovely people, today's post is another men's fashion post. This look is my favourite look of the day,there's something about it that screams 'London Town' to me...
street style london  added by TheNyanziReport

Now before any of you click onto next blog or twitter or whatever else it is you do,don't ,I know many of you male readers won't be brave enough to try this style, so I've put together my own version of this look that's a bit more,er.conservative. If you ARE brave enough however (you go glen coco) then all of the items in the picture are on the asos website: 

Okay so I'll admit I'm not too fond of the b r i g h t red socks, but HEY, maybe some people like socks brighter than the sun that burn your eyes more than baked beans the second after you take them out of the microwave(trust me I know from personal experience, IT BURNS) but who are we to judge? (IF you've been keeping up to date with my other posts you will know that we NO LONGER judge people for what they are wearing...If you haven't been keeping up with my post's,then you are a terrible,terrible person).

All I'm trying to say is that the more you experiment with your looks the more I will like you.(that's not to say walk around palmers green in anything Paul's boutique...PAUL'S BOUTIQUE IS NEVER ACCEPTABLE-xou before you stab me I'm talking about Paul's boutique tracksuits). 

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Right so this week as some of you know, someone made a fake blog basically taking the mick out of my blog and it got me thinking,either someone must hate me aaaaaaaaaa lot OR someone is incredibly jealous of me (I'm going to go for the latter). So all I would like to say to that person as they read this is thank-you for going to all of the trouble of making your blog look and sound exactly like mine,if I could give you a gold star for effort I would. Also if you don't like my blog don't read it. :)   (I tried to find a picture on google of something to say to my mysterious blogger friend,but this was all that came up...what I have to say is along the same lines as the second one. DAMMIT GOOGLE MAKING ME LOOK LIKE A CHAV! )

If I've learnt anything from it,I think it is that in life,someone out there is always going to find a reason to hate you,no matter how amazing you are (I'm pretty amazing) and it's the same with your fashion choices. No matter how much you love an outfit,someone out there is always going to find something to pick at, no matter how great you look. So what do you do? You wear it more. Just to annoy them (cue evil laugh). So that is what I plan on doing with my blog,writing just as much as ever, just to show that 'foul,loathsome little cockroach' (to quote Hermione) that I am better than them and just to annoy them HAHA.

So all I'm trying to say is this,don't be afraid to wear what you want and stand out, because the people that will judge you,are those that are too afraid to do what you're doing.

People will stare,make it worth their while...or show them your Jenna Marble's face.

If you feel like you are getting cyber bullied or anything similar has happened to you,why not talk to my friend,she's here to help.

Thank-you to everyone that has given me such positive feedback and support over the last few days,you're all amazing. I'm sorry this hasn't really been about fashion but it had to be said. A big fat fashiony post next time I pinky promise.

Saturday, 20 April 2013

GUYS today I am happy. Want to know why I'm happy? (I know you do,you guys hang off my every word) Well I am happy because today the sun came out of hibernation and actually showed itself so the people of Britain MIGHT NOT develop a vitamin d deficiency woohey! (Score 1 to us 0 to the er sun lol)

Not only does the sun mean VITAMIN D but the sun means that we can get out of those oversized knitted jumpers and tracksuits that are not flattering but are merely being worn to protect ourselves from the lethal icy winds of the north aka Watford. (is Watford even to the north of enfield...I have no clue) 

So today I wore my misguided dress that I ordered a few weeks ago,with a short denim jacket and plain black pumps and it made me happy.That is basically all I'm going to talk about today,how much better fashion is when we are not worrying about our intake of vitamin D. 

So guys and gals you can no longer let the weather be an excuse for why you look like crap. Sorry, not gonna take it. 

Get out your dresses,or skirts or shorts or whatever else it is you guys wear (with tights obviously after all it's still london not the sub tropical country you think it is (that was to all of the people running around in bikinis).

Enjoy the sun by expressing your fashionable side not your bare skin. 

Fashion quote of the day:

Thank-you all for reading,and for being kind of cool,comment/tweet me whatever you like your comments and any requests my dear chihuahuas. 

Friday, 19 April 2013

Moshi moshi (for those of you who don't know that's hello in japanese)

Today's post is going to be about male's fashion as I've had a few requests,and that means I must have some male fans( I have 3,2 if you don't include my dad...hey daddy I know you're reading this...please don't you know it creeps me out).

So instead of me doing a list of male's fashion item's I don't like (I'm scared to lose all my male fans,then the only male reader would be my dad,that would be great) I thought I'd do a list of things that you can't go wrong with. So here goes:

1) A JAZZY SHIRT; every boy must have at least 1 jazzy shirt and if they say they don't then they're lying or should be escorted ASAP to the nearest topman/river island.They can be jazzy patterned,a jazzy colour,or just a shirt that's a little bit out of your comfort zone.
Here are a few of my favs.

2)CHINOS ARE NOT THE ANSWER TO EVERY OUTFIT. I'm sorry. Chinos are nice enough but not for every single outfit. Skinny jeans or tight trousers or anyother trousers for that fact are perfectly capable of fulfilling the jobs of chinos. Sort it out.

3)I'm really feeling Mrouges (my personal nickname for man brogues) they're really spring 2013. Take a look.

I will continue my must have's and must not have's for men in another post (aka when I figure out what else I like and don't like)

Hope this lives up to your expectations guys that requested this post:)


Sunday, 14 April 2013

Greetings SISTAHS (I know some of you may be bruddahs but not today,for today you are a SISTAH,welcome) 

Today's post is about the dreaded double denim...'why dreaded' I hear you cry? It is dreaded because probably only about 1% of the fashionable population can pull it off. IF styled correctly it can look a-ma-zing,if not...I literally do this (yes for 10 hours,it has a long term effect on me)

Any who,my advice for people attempting to work the double denim look is DON'T (unless you are Kaan,you work that look,thank-you for the idea of writing about this and for always reading,you're the best) but if you really must and you don't want to look like you're from some budget cowboy movie then follow these simple steps oh fashionable ones...

1) Try not to wear the same colour denim items, otherwise you will look like this 
Try a washed out shirt for example and dark jeans/skirt whatever or vice versa.Justin Timberlake & Britney SpearsImage Credit to: Wire Image

2)Denim jackets and trousers must be fitted otherwise you will look like you are walking around in a very expensive tent...

3) Break up the denim with colour, a bright t-shirt or belt or any other accessories are perf.

4)BUT don't wear too many accessories you don't want to take all of the attention away from all your hard work.

Here are some perfect examples of how to rock double denim for guys and gals:

So if I see anyone killing double denim after this I will be forced to use my teenage mutant ninja turtle moves on them. Let that be a warning to you. 

Stay fashionable as always.

Friday, 12 April 2013

Today ladies and gents I would like to present the award for my style crush of the week. And the winner is (drum roll please) PERRIE EDWARDS.

Her mother must be so proud.

She was papped at the airport. AT THE AIRPORT WHO LOOKS THIS GOOD AT THE AIRPORT?!

And look, quelle surprise what is this? She just so happens to be wearing Jelly Beans (jelly belly shoes) did I not tell you they were amazing? Yes I did. Here's the link to the website if you are so overcome with feelings of fabulousness and you need to buy a pair (do) :

She is really rocking the 90's chic look and I love it.
If you want to create an outfit similar to Perrie's I've found a few useful websites for you,you can thank me later (by commenting or sharing with your friends:):):) )

Perrie Edwards

You go glen coco.

Nadia away.

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

JUST REALISED all of the other links I posted have erm disappeared behind the pictures(dchbvdjhfbxcvhjdhxfvhscikjxbvjhdbnxkj) here you go my pretties:

THERE we go,enjoy!
Happy Wednesday,

Right so you know that look,I'm not quite sure what to call it,the kind of 'hipster',grungey look,where girls wear denim shorts,and tights and some kind of leather jacket or a washed out tee? Before my friends cyber-bully me for slating everything they wear (lol sorry HB's i love you all) I AM NOT SLATING THIS KIND OF OUTFIT!!!!!!I am guilty of rocking this look (you can't just wear it you either rock it or stop it) but I don't think it is acceptable to attempt this look if you are over the age of ooh I don't know? TWENTY FIVE. No word of a lie I saw a, more mature woman (shall we say) definitely NOT rocking one of these outfits (stahp please) and I just wanted to share with the internet that there are some things you cannot wear. Ever. If you do I will be forced to curse you and your children and your great great grandchildren (not really,i'll most likely give you a pittying look, in my head of course,I'm too scared for my personal well-being).

But it's not just the people that wear things inappropriate for their age,that make me want to spontaneously combust and hope that all my insides stain their outfits, it's people that wear things that do not suit their body shape. Sometimes this may be through no fault of their own,but please women of the world stop.

So don't worry I will help you find more flattering clothes. First you have to determine which body shape you are.

 Choose which body shape best describes yours and then click on the link for that category.                    Tall: 
Inverted triangle:

Tall shape

Hope these helped:)

To: 'Sharing Happyness'

Here are the tops I cut:)
They look a lot better in person-promise! Dammit stupid camera.

<This one isn't as wonky as it looks...

Monday, 8 April 2013

Aloha everybaddyyy,

Before I start rambling just like to thank everyone for reading my blog and say if you like it or if you don't (either way idc) can you please please please share with people in anyway possible(tweet the link,retweet my tweets about the link,share with your google plus followers,click the little g+1 button underneath where it says comments,or in my case no comments). So yes TANKYEW for reading!

I've spent most of today going through my wardrobe and getting rid of things I don't want anymore,but instead of throwing them out or giving them to charity I decided I would try and customise them. For a while I've wanted a few crop tops for the holidays but they're like £8 from topshop and as much as I lurveeee topshop I am not paying £8 for half a top. Sorry.
 So I decided to cut the (no longer groovy) tops into different lengths and EH VOILA. 2 completely different tops that look jazzy and did not cost me £8 or the hassle of me plodding down to enfield town(the nearest topshop).
As you can tell I'm pretty pleased with myself aha.

But yes I just wanted to share my disgust with the world that TOPSHOP ARE SELLING HALF OF A TOP FOR £8 and recycling your old clothes may sound a bit er, trampy, but if you are on a tight budget and have loads of old clothes,why not?Plus it took me about 3 minutes to do.
Hey the llamas said it not me.

Once you get into it you can do more than just cutting,you could stitch(if you're any good) or if like me you were not blessed with the talent of sewing(or just lazy),tell your grandma what you want and she'll do it. (or someone else old). Old people looooooooooove to sew.

Or just go to topshop and buy that £8 crop top but don't be happy about it.

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Good afternoon people,
I have been told off by a reader(thanks for reading) and been told that I should 'write more about fashion as it is a fashion blog'. So here I am being all serious,writing about fashion. Seriously. Here goes. Seriously.

As the weather has been disgraceful here in London lately,(seen a few polar bears roaming around outside tescos) instead of going out to the shops to stare longingly at things I cannot afford, I decided to do some online shopping from the comfort of my kitchen table.(still staring longingly at things I can't afford but from behind a screen) I checked out and to find something jazzy that you can't get on the highstreet.

Misguided are really rocking the monochrome look (black and white fresh of the catwalk don't cha know) AND the neons (did I not predict neons would be big?) So basically all this post is about is me being able to gloat to the world I TOLD YOU SO HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHHAHAHAAA.

That felt good.

But yeah check out misguided for some funky monochrome dresses.

I ordered the Juliana Monochrome Skater Dress (or something like that).

The monochrome patterned dresses can be great if you, like me, were not blessed with curves,as they create an illusion of curves (monochrome is like the Derren Brown of the fashion world). The past-the-knee length dresses look great if you are petite(or tall) and they can create the illusion of erm, taller-ness (by elongating the body). Just PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be careful with midi dresses and skirts,especially if you are er, on the portly side shall we say,they can make you look short and, even more portly, shall we say?


Okay I will stop(I can see those views decreasing as we speak) but this is a lesson dear ones, to listen to Auntie Nadia in the future. (is that only cool when Gok Wan says it?)

Yep,Nadia's a pretty cool name for pre-t-t-y cool people,I know.

Monday, 1 April 2013

Howdy everyone,

I hope everyone that celebrates Easter had an eggselent Easter (sorry) and everyone that doesn't erm hope you had a good weekend?

Today instead of me blabbering on about stuff,we (you and me) are going to embark on an adventure(ooooh), a tale of woe and tragedy, (ahhhhhhhh) an experience so great (gasp!)-it might just be the best thing you ever witness.Ever.WE are going to bask in the awesome-ness of my school bag.

Yes my school bag.

Before I unveil it's SASSY-NESS to the world of the internet I have to warn you,that you may be subject to intense feelings of spite and envy towards me, and that is completely understandable as my bag is pretty dang SWELL. But remember,the feelings are temporary and you still love me and love reading my blog :) so don't forget to keep reading and share with your friends:))))))


I am ready.

Are you ready?

Prepare yourself.

Here's some inspirational music to listen to whilst you look at my bag:




Here are some other pictures of my bag(found online because apparently my camera is incapable of taking decent pictures grrrrrr) :

Yes,that's me(looking my best).
Yes,my shell is slightly deflated(this picture was taken about 3 milliseconds after me receiving it)
Yes,I am a teenage mutant ninja turtle.
Yes, I know I am too cool for words.
And yes,I know you are jealous,but as a wiseman once said, 'don't hate me cos you ain't me'.