Friday, 5 July 2013


Bonjour beautiful people,

How are we all? Staying SASSY?

As some(none)of you know,I had my school's prom a few days ago,so today's post is going to be about my all da crap that went down along with the arrival of my dress,woo.

Before I show you my dress,I have to say it was quite controversial,(like Kim Kardash being allowed to have a baby).I did have loads of AMAZING people telling me how much they loved it,but what surprised me was not how many girls judged the dress,but how many boys judged it. So without further ado here is the infamous dress.

Just incase you can't tell from the picture(do you like my picture cropping skills lol) it is a turquoise kimono,with red and gold dragons on it.*
To see more of my dress and other prom pictures you can follow my personal instagram: nadiademos

After listening to some of the negative comments from some people(slugs), I have come to the conclusion that I seriously don't care what anyone else thinks. If your style isn't controversial,you're doing it wrong.Sorry.(I'm not sorry)

So instead of me responding to you narrow-minded little cockroaches(too fabulous for you) I'd just like to say,I thought the dress was beautiful,and I stood out,which is more than can be said for you.

Okay,now time for the less serious,bitchy moi.


There isn't a less bitchy moi.

All I want to say is:


Even though at the time I was a little,disheartened shall we say,(I was going to stab you with my unusually spiky thumbnail) I now realise that once again,I must be doing something right if people I don't even know are talking about me and my fashion choices.

*I'd just like to add,part of the reason I wore a kimono was because people call me chinese because of my ALMOND SHAPED EYES,so I thought I'd say,I wore the dress to show that I am Chinese and I embrace it.All of you sheep should learn to embrace sheepism.(you know,cos sheep are followers,ooooh burn) For example if you're ginger,you should go and invest in a kilt asap(there is no racism intended here, I am half Scottish don't ya know).

My face atm as you read this 


  1. love your dress! dont listen to what other people say :) x
