Anyway,thank-you beautiful people,I love you all.
So today's post is going to be about guys fashion and the trend of rolling up their trouser bottoms. Now there is nothing wrong with showing a cheeky bit of ankle,it's when the whole knee is on show that I feel my soul evaporate.
In this case,less is more,we do not want to see your whole leg and the inside of your thigh from your rolled up trousers,what's the point in wearing trousers if you're going to roll them into hot pants??????(fyi only Kylie can wear hot pants,Minogue not Kardash).
ALSO,what is this sudden obsession with naked ankles? I'd like to say I get the look you're going for,but I don't . .
This is not the whatever(th) century (I was going to google which century but 'ain't nobody got time',gahh I'm so white) men do not quiver in their boots when they spot a wild ankle,so stop showing them.
Unless you have the ankles of a God.
In which case,carry on oh holy ankles.
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Stay fashionable xo
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