Today I'm going to talk about midi dresses and the use and abuse of them.
Yes they are muy bien but WHY have I seen girls wearing them during sunlight??????????????? I saw a woman wearing one to tesco's. TESCO'S. There should be a rule; if I see you wearing a midi dress to anywhere other than a party I WILL SMITE YOU. They should be like vampires,you don't see them during the day time,and when you do,at night, they are DANG SPARKLY like eddie cullen.
Like,seriously, it just looks stupid during the day.
Okay,next (onto the next one,on to the next) pet hate is vans. They are actually decent shoes,but now they're just a bit, er plain. BUT do not fear van lovers,NADIA IS HERE, Vans have released some new JAZZY PATTERNED STYLES. If you're gonna wear them,wear the groovy ones.Lookey here for inspiration mi amigos:
AND FINALLY, please please please please stop with the leopard print. It literally makes my eyes bleed. No worse,it makes my nose bleed,no worse it makes my throat shrink to the size of a large grape so no air can pass through to my lungs and the only noise I can make is an ominous gasping.Oh and my eye twitches like crazy. Unless your name is Tulisa (poor you) and you want me to gasp for air with a twitchy eye,do not I REPEAT DO NOT GO NEAR IT. YOU LOOK LIKE A CRAZY CAT LADY WITH SASS. (not as great as it sounds).
If you follow my amazingly fabulous steps on how not to be unfashionable(wait did that even make sense? I have no clue) then you will be as amazing as me.Lol jk no-one will be as amazing as me. I'm joking,please don't stop reading my blog. Please. I beg you.
Thank-you to everyone for reading this,without you I am NOTHING. (Okay I am something but I love you all very much). Don't forget to keep checking it out each week,retweet the link/follow this blog/tell your village,anything you want my pretties. Also a shout out to my new Russian readers! Большое вам спасибо за чтение, я тебя люблю все (did that make sense? Blame google translate.)
When I get to 10k views...I will make goats bigger than sloths are on the internet.
You wrote this on the 3rd of may (Pavlo's birthday) which was before Crist rose acording to the orthodox calender so technicly you shouldn't have said Χριστός Ανέστη but as i an reading this on tne 6th I am going to accept it, Αληθώς Ανέστη Nadia my friend xxxxx