Friday, 22 March 2013

Yoyoyoyooyoyoyoyoyyooyoyoyo people,

Today's post is an appreciation post about how amazingly beautiful my cowboy boots are,yes the very ones that my blog name is based on. If they were a Big Bang Theory character they would be Raj,because they are cool,tanned and devilishly handsome (okay,admittedly the last one only applies to the boots,sorry raj). If there were a teenage mutant ninja turtle,they would be Raphael because they are ever so bad-ass. If they were a super-hero they- Im not going to act like I know anything about superheroes,but IF they were one they would be a good-looking villain because even though they look so perdy,THEY MAKE MY FEET FEEL LIKE THEY ARE GETTING BITTEN BY TINY LITTLE GOLLUMS WITH TINY LITTLE TEETH. (If you have seen The Hobbit you will know that Gollum has 9 teeth) AND THAT IS A LOT OF TEETH TO BE BITTEN BY AT ONCE.

I understand the whole beauty is pain thing but come on this is ridiculouso. Why oh WHY can I not wear the shoes I want to wear without being paralysed from the ankle down for days after? CAN DESGINERS NOT MAKE SHOES THAT BOTH LOOK BEAUTIFUL AND FEEL BEAUTIFUL?!??!???

The answer is no,unless you think crocs are beautiful (judging you) even though they look like a cross between a crayon and some kind of plastic kitchen utensil,they are and I repeat they are the most comfortable shoes known to mankind,probably beating UGG's and slippers made from candy floss.(Judging myself)

But anyway this isn't about crocs and I should probably stop talking about them unless I want people to print screen the section where I say they're comfy,because I don't fancy the idea of this re-surfacing in about 10 years.

So yeah,take a minute or 10 to appreciate my beautiful,beautiful cowboy boots that hate me and want to make my life a living hell every time I wear them.

(If you've ever seen me wearing them by the way,that's not me strutting,that's me trying to style out the apocalyptic events taking place on the soles of my feet.)

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