Sunday, 10 March 2013

The topic that often comes up for debate amongst my group of friends are tattoos (interesting I know) and each time we talk about them my mind changes. Do I like tattoos? No, is the honest answer, I wouldn't go as far as saying like, appreciate is more the word I'm looking for.  Yes I, the girl in the cowboy boots, (sorry I don't really want to tell the internet my name,you people scare me) APPRECIATE tattoos for all their artistic-ness and what-not,and I admire the people that get artistic or meaningful tattoos. 

Unless of-course you're this guy. 

Or this guy.
Or her.

Now I understand some tattoos are about more than fashion or art,some are about creating an identity,honouring passed loved ones,remembering certain events,bacon. Yes I said bacon. And that is the reason that people should not be allowed tattoos,because morons with too few braincells to function decide on getting stupid tattoos. Why would you go through the pain of getting a tattoo done FOR TWO STRIPS OF BACON??!??!??!!! Oh yeah,that's right,cos bacon's awesome.( If you don't eat pork,imagine I'm talking about cake,it has the same effect,shout-out to all my non-bacon eating viewers,you're cool) 

But some tattoos are cool,don't get me wrong I APPRECIATE some tats,but still do not see the point of them. God (or any concept of God you believe in,IF you believe) did not give humans skin to doodle on,that is what paper is for. And another thing,to all of the people that write on their hands to help them remember things: YOW HANDS AINT NO MEMO PAD,IF YOU WANNA REMEMBER STUFF...invest in a calender,they're fairly cheap and readily available at all good stationary shops. 

Live in London? Want to get a tattoo? Have more than 3 functioning brain cells? Why not get your tat or piercing done at 'The Barber Shop' in Barnet. 

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