Today ladies and gents,
I am tres excited about a certain pair of shoes from down under.( I am literally so excited I'm like one of those little chihuahua doggies that shake all time for no reason). All the best things come from Australia you know,like granny smith apples and kangaroos and Vegemite.
I have ordered a pair and am currently deciding on the next colour to order woo.
Look at how JAZZY they are!
Yes,they are those shoes your mum bought from Asda when you were 6, and she made you wear them everywhere,even though they were so damn uncomfortable,but DAHLINGS just look at them. They may give me blisters bigger than a small child's head but they are worth it. (kind of,ehh maybe not)
Look at these bad boys,teamed with white ankle socks and some denim somewhere they will look CHEETAH-TASTIC (is that even a cheetah print idk)
But you get my drift they are SO DAMN FINE.
If you are as excited as I am (at this point I am so excited my eye has acquired a twitch and the vein in my forehead is throbbing as much as MY JUGULAR VEIN AHHHHHHHHDFJKGNJKDFSDJ-don't get me started).
If you too would like to get your hands on a pair of these plastic beauties then get yow fantabulous buttocks over here (ooh gurllllll)
Wednesday, 27 March 2013
Sunday, 24 March 2013
Happy Sunday everyone,
I recently got asked if I thought Burgundy was an in colour or just a passing fad,and my honest opinion is that burgundy is one of those colours that SHOULD be left in 2012.
I mean,its a great colour and everything(if you're a 75 year old carpet) but it just has to be friendzoned by spring/summer 2013. Its not one of those colours that you immediately associate with summer is it? LIKE I SAID BEFORE ORANGE AND NEONS ARE ALL OVER THE SPRING/SUMMER 2013 CATWALK WHY DON'T YOU LISTEN TO ME?! By the way, I have burgundy blinds in my room...
It's just a boring colour(except if you're my room,my room's nice).There's nothing that screams LOOK AT ME I'M COOL(orange does just fyi) I mean look at it.
What probably killed burgundy the most for me is the fact that about a year or 2 ago EVERYTHING WITH HAIR dyed it this sickly shade of burgundy that they labelled 'plum'. No. Your hair is not plum. Its burgundy. And every time I saw someone with this colour hair the jugular vein in the right side of my neck beat furiously like a like a LIKE SOMETHING THAT BEATS FURIOUSLY. fdcgvnjk;ljhgfdcgnjkml.
There are some exceptions to this so don't all hate on me at the same time. Actually I don't care if you do you're making my neck throb and it hurts now.
That's my opinion,but what do you think about burgundy?
STAY FASHIONABLE(by not wearing burgundy x )
I recently got asked if I thought Burgundy was an in colour or just a passing fad,and my honest opinion is that burgundy is one of those colours that SHOULD be left in 2012.
I mean,its a great colour and everything(if you're a 75 year old carpet) but it just has to be friendzoned by spring/summer 2013. Its not one of those colours that you immediately associate with summer is it? LIKE I SAID BEFORE ORANGE AND NEONS ARE ALL OVER THE SPRING/SUMMER 2013 CATWALK WHY DON'T YOU LISTEN TO ME?! By the way, I have burgundy blinds in my room...
It's just a boring colour(except if you're my room,my room's nice).There's nothing that screams LOOK AT ME I'M COOL(orange does just fyi) I mean look at it.
What probably killed burgundy the most for me is the fact that about a year or 2 ago EVERYTHING WITH HAIR dyed it this sickly shade of burgundy that they labelled 'plum'. No. Your hair is not plum. Its burgundy. And every time I saw someone with this colour hair the jugular vein in the right side of my neck beat furiously like a like a LIKE SOMETHING THAT BEATS FURIOUSLY. fdcgvnjk;ljhgfdcgnjkml.
There are some exceptions to this so don't all hate on me at the same time. Actually I don't care if you do you're making my neck throb and it hurts now.
That's my opinion,but what do you think about burgundy?
STAY FASHIONABLE(by not wearing burgundy x )
Friday, 22 March 2013
Yoyoyoyooyoyoyoyoyyooyoyoyo people,
Today's post is an appreciation post about how amazingly beautiful my cowboy boots are,yes the very ones that my blog name is based on. If they were a Big Bang Theory character they would be Raj,because they are cool,tanned and devilishly handsome (okay,admittedly the last one only applies to the boots,sorry raj). If there were a teenage mutant ninja turtle,they would be Raphael because they are ever so bad-ass. If they were a super-hero they- Im not going to act like I know anything about superheroes,but IF they were one they would be a good-looking villain because even though they look so perdy,THEY MAKE MY FEET FEEL LIKE THEY ARE GETTING BITTEN BY TINY LITTLE GOLLUMS WITH TINY LITTLE TEETH. (If you have seen The Hobbit you will know that Gollum has 9 teeth) AND THAT IS A LOT OF TEETH TO BE BITTEN BY AT ONCE.
I understand the whole beauty is pain thing but come on this is ridiculouso. Why oh WHY can I not wear the shoes I want to wear without being paralysed from the ankle down for days after? CAN DESGINERS NOT MAKE SHOES THAT BOTH LOOK BEAUTIFUL AND FEEL BEAUTIFUL?!??!???
The answer is no,unless you think crocs are beautiful (judging you) even though they look like a cross between a crayon and some kind of plastic kitchen utensil,they are and I repeat they are the most comfortable shoes known to mankind,probably beating UGG's and slippers made from candy floss.(Judging myself)
But anyway this isn't about crocs and I should probably stop talking about them unless I want people to print screen the section where I say they're comfy,because I don't fancy the idea of this re-surfacing in about 10 years.
So yeah,take a minute or 10 to appreciate my beautiful,beautiful cowboy boots that hate me and want to make my life a living hell every time I wear them.
(If you've ever seen me wearing them by the way,that's not me strutting,that's me trying to style out the apocalyptic events taking place on the soles of my feet.)
Wednesday, 20 March 2013
Hola friends of the internet,
Today's post is basically just getting the boring admin-y things out of the way,er sorry.(I'm not really sorry)
If there are any trends,or era's or anything fashion related you want me to talk about ,comment and I will do my best to write a post for you about it. :)
ALSO,if you enjoy reading my blog,please tweet/facebook/put on your blog/tumblr the link to my blog I would appreciate it very much! (If you don't enjoy reading it,you can do it anyway-thanks h8rz)
Last bit of admin, don't forget to keep reading and checking my blog for updates,THANK-YOU so much to everyone that has read and commented or vaguely enjoyed reading this.I love you all. Well most of you. (Debatable)
Oh by the way, one of the teachers at my school was wearing a trouser suit today, 3 guesses what she's been reading in her spare time. (ahem my last post was about trouser suits)
Thank-you again lovely people from all around the world who have nothing better to do with their lives than read this,FABULOUS blog.
Stay fashionable.
And always.(Little hunger games reference there woo hunger games)
Today's post is basically just getting the boring admin-y things out of the way,er sorry.(I'm not really sorry)
If there are any trends,or era's or anything fashion related you want me to talk about ,comment and I will do my best to write a post for you about it. :)
ALSO,if you enjoy reading my blog,please tweet/facebook/put on your blog/tumblr the link to my blog I would appreciate it very much! (If you don't enjoy reading it,you can do it anyway-thanks h8rz)
Last bit of admin, don't forget to keep reading and checking my blog for updates,THANK-YOU so much to everyone that has read and commented or vaguely enjoyed reading this.I love you all. Well most of you. (Debatable)
Oh by the way, one of the teachers at my school was wearing a trouser suit today, 3 guesses what she's been reading in her spare time. (ahem my last post was about trouser suits)
Thank-you again lovely people from all around the world who have nothing better to do with their lives than read this,FABULOUS blog.
Stay fashionable.
And always.(Little hunger games reference there woo hunger games)
Sunday, 17 March 2013
Happy St Patrick's day for tomorrow everyone!
I have a little story for you,oh fashionable ones of le internet. I was going out with my friends to watch my best friend perform in a theatre,and I decided to wear an outfit that was somewhat, controversial shall we say? I.e I wore a beige trouser suit (for those of you who don't know that's a matching blazer and trousers,gosh get with it) and the whole time I got teased for wearing it (but they are my friends and they are allowed to do that,love you guys),but this is a message to them(Alex) LOOK WHAT'S IN FASHION NOW:
Lets just take a moment to appreciate the beauty of the trouser suit.
They're feminine,elegant outfits that scream class and are suitable for dressing up or down. Bold colours and patterns create an edgier outfit.WHAT'S NOT TO LOVE?
How can you not love them?
My personal favourite is this beautiful blue Streetstyle aesthetic look teamed with a plain white shirt and clutch.
I hope I have converted a few people into believing in the powers OF THE TROUSER SUIT.
Stay fashionable.
I have a little story for you,oh fashionable ones of le internet. I was going out with my friends to watch my best friend perform in a theatre,and I decided to wear an outfit that was somewhat, controversial shall we say? I.e I wore a beige trouser suit (for those of you who don't know that's a matching blazer and trousers,gosh get with it) and the whole time I got teased for wearing it (but they are my friends and they are allowed to do that,love you guys),but this is a message to them(Alex) LOOK WHAT'S IN FASHION NOW:
Lets just take a moment to appreciate the beauty of the trouser suit.
They're feminine,elegant outfits that scream class and are suitable for dressing up or down. Bold colours and patterns create an edgier outfit.WHAT'S NOT TO LOVE?
Now I know what you're thinking, trouser suits have been absolutely MURDERED by airlines and bank workers but, with your help,we can bring back the beauty of trouser suits.(without looking like we're heading back to Barclays after our lunch break). This style works particularly well with tall,boyish frames, if you want to find out your frame,and what suits you here's a handy website:
My personal favourite is this beautiful blue Streetstyle aesthetic look teamed with a plain white shirt and clutch.
I hope I have converted a few people into believing in the powers OF THE TROUSER SUIT.
Stay fashionable.
Sunday, 10 March 2013
The topic that often comes up for debate amongst my group of friends are tattoos (interesting I know) and each time we talk about them my mind changes. Do I like tattoos? No, is the honest answer, I wouldn't go as far as saying like, appreciate is more the word I'm looking for. Yes I, the girl in the cowboy boots, (sorry I don't really want to tell the internet my name,you people scare me) APPRECIATE tattoos for all their artistic-ness and what-not,and I admire the people that get artistic or meaningful tattoos.
Unless of-course you're this guy.
Or this guy.
Or her.
Now I understand some tattoos are about more than fashion or art,some are about creating an identity,honouring passed loved ones,remembering certain events,bacon. Yes I said bacon. And that is the reason that people should not be allowed tattoos,because morons with too few braincells to function decide on getting stupid tattoos. Why would you go through the pain of getting a tattoo done FOR TWO STRIPS OF BACON??!??!??!!! Oh yeah,that's right,cos bacon's awesome.( If you don't eat pork,imagine I'm talking about cake,it has the same effect,shout-out to all my non-bacon eating viewers,you're cool)
But some tattoos are cool,don't get me wrong I APPRECIATE some tats,but still do not see the point of them. God (or any concept of God you believe in,IF you believe) did not give humans skin to doodle on,that is what paper is for. And another thing,to all of the people that write on their hands to help them remember things: YOW HANDS AINT NO MEMO PAD,IF YOU WANNA REMEMBER STUFF...invest in a calender,they're fairly cheap and readily available at all good stationary shops.
Live in London? Want to get a tattoo? Have more than 3 functioning brain cells? Why not get your tat or piercing done at 'The Barber Shop' in Barnet.
Saturday, 9 March 2013
Picture this.
There I am,minding my own business,walking down the road with my bag of chips with curry sauce(which were by the way occupying both of my hands,one hand to hold the bag and the other to transport the currified chips from the bag into their place of rest aka my mouth) when suddenly out of no-where comes this old lady.
This was not just any old lady, she was the Lady Gaga of grannies,seriously she was so fashionable and that is what this post is about, Fashionable Old People.
I love them,and I 100% think that just because you're old doesn't mean you have to dress,er old. I believe that you are as old as you tell yourself and you are never too old to dress the way you want to. (unless ofcourse you are 95 and you want to wear those terrible glasses with the lines across them, that everyone bought from primark about 3 years ago.)
Actually, if you are 95 and you want to wear the glasses then I say go for it.
When I'm old I'm going to be fashionable fo sho'. Age just a number... but fashion is is...erm ... BE FASHIONABLE WHEN YOU'RE OLD.
Fashion quote of the day:
Here's a picture of a baby sloth in a onesie to brighten up your march:
There I am,minding my own business,walking down the road with my bag of chips with curry sauce(which were by the way occupying both of my hands,one hand to hold the bag and the other to transport the currified chips from the bag into their place of rest aka my mouth) when suddenly out of no-where comes this old lady.
This was not just any old lady, she was the Lady Gaga of grannies,seriously she was so fashionable and that is what this post is about, Fashionable Old People.
I love them,and I 100% think that just because you're old doesn't mean you have to dress,er old. I believe that you are as old as you tell yourself and you are never too old to dress the way you want to. (unless ofcourse you are 95 and you want to wear those terrible glasses with the lines across them, that everyone bought from primark about 3 years ago.)
Actually, if you are 95 and you want to wear the glasses then I say go for it.
When I'm old I'm going to be fashionable fo sho'. Age just a number... but fashion is is...erm ... BE FASHIONABLE WHEN YOU'RE OLD.
Fashion quote of the day:
Here's a picture of a baby sloth in a onesie to brighten up your march:

Tuesday, 5 March 2013
I decided to make my top 3 topshop buys(to make up for my non-fashion related last post)and this week my theme is orange baby!
Didn't I tell you about oranges? (Yes,yes I did)
There's something strangely comforting in the fact that I used to have a pair of shoes just like these,when I was 4. I love them even more now!
This is just so cute, I love the bold colours contrasting with the cutesy(is that a word?) playing-it-safe style of dress.
Orange is cool. Brownie points if you are thinking of the MeanGirl's quote right now...
Didn't I tell you about oranges? (Yes,yes I did)
There's something strangely comforting in the fact that I used to have a pair of shoes just like these,when I was 4. I love them even more now!
This is just so cute, I love the bold colours contrasting with the cutesy(is that a word?) playing-it-safe style of dress.
Orange is cool. Brownie points if you are thinking of the MeanGirl's quote right now...
Happy Tuesday everyone!
I'm in a happy mood because the temperature was above freezing today! I even sat outside for lunch(this is a big deal people).
But before you start topping up your suncream STOP! fvbghjk. I understand that here in Britain we have to take advantage of every hour of sunshine available (we are very sun-deprived here) but it is still below 10 degrees so please do not walk around in shorts or take your top off. You can still get hyperthermia(probably) and what can you say to that? "Yes but I got a tan!" Shut-up no you didn't no-one gets a tan in England.
(Not going to lie I got a tan in England once and I have olive skin,but hey just ignore that so that I can prove my point.)
Basically what I am trying to say is even though the sun is out and you haven't seen it since your holiday to Spain in July 2012, you should not under any circumstances go out in anything that shows off bare legs,stomach,chest,and last but definitely NOT least FEET.(that is no excuse for wearing socks with sandals btw)
I understand that this post wasn't really about fashion and I'm sorry,but I had to get this off my chest.
Fashion quote of the day:
Why not tweet me what you think? @nadiadems
I'm in a happy mood because the temperature was above freezing today! I even sat outside for lunch(this is a big deal people).
But before you start topping up your suncream STOP! fvbghjk. I understand that here in Britain we have to take advantage of every hour of sunshine available (we are very sun-deprived here) but it is still below 10 degrees so please do not walk around in shorts or take your top off. You can still get hyperthermia(probably) and what can you say to that? "Yes but I got a tan!" Shut-up no you didn't no-one gets a tan in England.
(Not going to lie I got a tan in England once and I have olive skin,but hey just ignore that so that I can prove my point.)
Basically what I am trying to say is even though the sun is out and you haven't seen it since your holiday to Spain in July 2012, you should not under any circumstances go out in anything that shows off bare legs,stomach,chest,and last but definitely NOT least FEET.(that is no excuse for wearing socks with sandals btw)
I understand that this post wasn't really about fashion and I'm sorry,but I had to get this off my chest.
Fashion quote of the day:
Why not tweet me what you think? @nadiadems
Sunday, 3 March 2013
Each year thousands of girls parents pay stupid amounts of money for a dress that will be worn for one day and one day only. Not even a day, a few hours,and every year these dresses get worse and worse.
Every girl is trying so hard to stand out from the rest and be noticed that they end up all looking the same. Even though they try to be noticed, they wear the same type of dresses,so they all merge into the background. Yes,you will get noticed if you are all wearing the same dress,but that's not the type of attention you want. Do you want to be remembered for wearing the same dress as every other girl in your year? Its the same, heart shaped corset in cream or pink or baby blue,with lace or sequins that flairs out and barely reaches your knees,that's finished off with either a huge,in your face bow or some form of embroidered sequins that create a pattern down one side of the dress.Don't believe me? These are some of the worst ones I've found.

Now don't get me wrong,there can be some dresses like the ones I have described above that can look nice,but in general they are not a good look.
If you want to stand out why not wear something elegant.Floor length dresses can add a touch of class. (but be careful not to over do it,you don't want to look like a red carpet wannabe) Also making sure that the colour suits your skin tone is also vital, if you don't suit red DO NOT WEAR RED. Making sure you know what colours suit your skin tone is probably the best place to start when picking a prom dress. Here is a useful site to get you started:
So please unless you want to look like these two(who am I to judge?,find a new style of dress that will make sure you stand out and look beautiful! :)
Every girl is trying so hard to stand out from the rest and be noticed that they end up all looking the same. Even though they try to be noticed, they wear the same type of dresses,so they all merge into the background. Yes,you will get noticed if you are all wearing the same dress,but that's not the type of attention you want. Do you want to be remembered for wearing the same dress as every other girl in your year? Its the same, heart shaped corset in cream or pink or baby blue,with lace or sequins that flairs out and barely reaches your knees,that's finished off with either a huge,in your face bow or some form of embroidered sequins that create a pattern down one side of the dress.Don't believe me? These are some of the worst ones I've found.

Now don't get me wrong,there can be some dresses like the ones I have described above that can look nice,but in general they are not a good look.
If you want to stand out why not wear something elegant.Floor length dresses can add a touch of class. (but be careful not to over do it,you don't want to look like a red carpet wannabe) Also making sure that the colour suits your skin tone is also vital, if you don't suit red DO NOT WEAR RED. Making sure you know what colours suit your skin tone is probably the best place to start when picking a prom dress. Here is a useful site to get you started:

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