Dear people of the internet,
Im sorry we're not yet on first name basis, but we will be soon enough my dear ones. Im still trying to figure out how to use this but hey at least I've found what I want to write about,(drum roll please) FASHION and other stuff that gets me excited (that sounded so cheesy). But isnt the whole concept of blog writing cheesy? Yes,yes it is,if it were a cheese it would be something cool,sexy and sophisticated like a brie. But I don't really want to bore you with my jokes on cheese even though it's udderly thrilling (get it? udderly as in udders as in where you get milk from to make cheese? Ye?- ah never mind) Cheese jokes aside, fashion has captivated me from an early age and in the posts to come I hope to share my loves and hates in the world of fashion weekly. Stay beautiful. Turtle away.............
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