Dear beautiful people of the internet, that take the time out of their day to read my blog(lol you have no lives,just joking I love you all),
I would just like to remind you that even though buying overpriced clothes from named brands and designs can be somewhat fulfilling,there is another place on the high street where your shopping needs can seek refuge,somewhere you can find one of a kind,individual,vintage,items of clothing for affordable prices."Where? "I hear you cry,"There can't possibly be such a place!?" But there is oh foolish one,there is...
Okay,so I'm trying to glamorise a charity shop-but before you click away to google lolcats WAIT! STOP! Delete the L and the O and the L and the cats now. I know it sounds kind of ,er, trampy,but once you get past the thought that yes someone else has worn them before you,and the smell of old people, you will realise that charity shops ROCK. (some people like the smell of old people) You can find jazzy items of clothing and accessories from decades before you,that are vintage and a fraction of the price they would be if they were sold anywhere else. Not only are you saving money but you are doing good for others.
So next time you walk past a charity shop on the high street,go in,have a rummage around and see what you can find. I found this beautiful bag for only £3!
You're welcome
nice bag! i like chaarity shpos too and the smell of old people ;)