Tuesday, 26 February 2013
γειά σου
Just like to thank you all for reading my blog,I hope you enjoy it. Why not leave me a comment about a trend that you love or hate and want me to write about or just be friendly and say "HEY girl in the cowboy boots from (insert country name here).
Anyway today I am going to be ranting about shorts and UGG boots as requested by a dear squishy(best friend) of mine. So here goes, hope this lives up to your expectations Xou.
First of all I would like to clarify that I have nothing against UGG's, they are the fluffiest things known to man-kind and for that we are truly grateful. Secondly I love shorts,great for pretty much all year round (I've been wearing them with tights since October and I will do throughout the year back till next October). So yeah, don't hate me if you are one of the people that wear UGG's with shorts,but please read on and erm, stop.
Another thing I hate is when girls think it is acceptable to wear UGG's with dresses. Okay, I agree that wearing UGG's are like having your feet massaged by tiny little cloud masseuses but they are not a replacement for heels or pumps,please just wear the heels that make your feet have angry little blisters and feel like they are getting rolled on by porcupines with chainsaws and save my eyes from witnessing such a tragedy that are UGG's with dresses.
Still don't believe me? Here. (btw I love Britney but voman no!)
My quote of the day:
Friday, 22 February 2013
Today mi amigos I am going to review the use and abuse of air max 1's (and some other non shoe related stuff)
Don't get me wrong,if styled properly they can look somewhat jazzy,(somewhat being the keyword here) but as they become increasingly common, their jazzy-ness is lost and that is nat cool. They're alright looking shoes as far as nike trainers go, and even though I want to dislike them, a small part of me (somewhere in my alveoli) make me like them and I don't know why.
Something about their devilishly cool,slick nature makes me want to wear them, and I don't know if I can fight the urge much longer. If they weren't so common I probably would be writing this post wearing some,but I'm not one to follow the crowd. And I don't think you should be either. Just because air max 1's are tres popular right now,doesn't mean you have to buy a pair.I think that is why I am not sitting here wearing them right now. Because each time you follow the crowd and not your individual style a kitty loses a tooth, and there is nothing more tragic than a toothless kitty. Don't believe me?

“Care about people’s approval you will be their prisoner”
Don't be afraid to stand out from the crowd. Individuality is POWER. Yeah.
Monday, 18 February 2013
This week my dear bloggers,I have a new obsession. No need to panic,it's nothing creepy, I am just overly excited about one item of clothing this week that women in particular don't really pay attention to, and I think they deserve a lot more praise than they get. Please don't think I'm too weird (actually do,need I remind you I wear a teenage mutant ninja turtle shell backpack to school?) This week, I LOVE ties.
Jazzy ties in particular,the ones your dad is ashamed to keep .(is it just my dad?) The ones they get as Christmas presents from old people,and have to force a smile through gritted teeth and say "It's lovely".
Yeah those ones. Even though they seem like more of a burden at the time,wait a few years and then BAM along I come and love them.
I have been charity shop hunting and found a few SNAZZY ones,and together with a plain shirt and fitted blazer can create a beautiful,feminine look,that is ready for any occasion.
So yeah I love ties and I thought I'd share that with the beautiful people of le internet (*cough* you)
And remember, a tie is not just for Christmas.A tie is for life.
Jazzy ties in particular,the ones your dad is ashamed to keep .(is it just my dad?) The ones they get as Christmas presents from old people,and have to force a smile through gritted teeth and say "It's lovely".
Yeah those ones. Even though they seem like more of a burden at the time,wait a few years and then BAM along I come and love them.
I have been charity shop hunting and found a few SNAZZY ones,and together with a plain shirt and fitted blazer can create a beautiful,feminine look,that is ready for any occasion.
So yeah I love ties and I thought I'd share that with the beautiful people of le internet (*cough* you)
And remember, a tie is not just for Christmas.A tie is for life.
What's HOT this month...
I've always wanted to do a hot list,and I asked my friend 'whats hot this month?' she said 'Nothing,it's february'
I wanted to cry.
Here's what I think is HOT this month (even though we are currently living in Arctic conditions here in London...)
Enjoy mi amigos!
Fall out boy's reunion (woo fangirl moment please) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkIWmsP3c_s
Orange, (the colour not the fruit,but the fruit's cool too)try:
http://www.topshop.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?beginIndex=0&viewAllFlag=&catalogId=33057&storeId=12556&productId=8808954&langId=-1&categoryId=&searchTerm=orange&pageSize=200 if you're feeling summery or
http://www.topshop.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?beginIndex=0&viewAllFlag=&catalogId=33057&storeId=12556&productId=8982441&langId=-1&categoryId=&searchTerm=orange&pageSize=200 seeing as we are still having Arctic conditions here in London
The 60's,there are some great styles at
I will do part 2 of my hot list in a few days.
Happy February my dear chipmunks.
I've always wanted to do a hot list,and I asked my friend 'whats hot this month?' she said 'Nothing,it's february'
I wanted to cry.
Here's what I think is HOT this month (even though we are currently living in Arctic conditions here in London...)
Enjoy mi amigos!
Fall out boy's reunion (woo fangirl moment please) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkIWmsP3c_s
Orange, (the colour not the fruit,but the fruit's cool too)try:
http://www.topshop.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?beginIndex=0&viewAllFlag=&catalogId=33057&storeId=12556&productId=8808954&langId=-1&categoryId=&searchTerm=orange&pageSize=200 if you're feeling summery or
http://www.topshop.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?beginIndex=0&viewAllFlag=&catalogId=33057&storeId=12556&productId=8982441&langId=-1&categoryId=&searchTerm=orange&pageSize=200 seeing as we are still having Arctic conditions here in London
The 60's,there are some great styles at
I will do part 2 of my hot list in a few days.
Happy February my dear chipmunks.
Friday, 15 February 2013
I'll tell you what's hot this week.... HARLEM SHAKE!
Especially ours, give it a cheeky watch fellow bloggers!
Thanks beautiful people!
Especially ours, give it a cheeky watch fellow bloggers!
Thanks beautiful people!
Wednesday, 13 February 2013
Dear beautiful people of the internet, that take the time out of their day to read my blog(lol you have no lives,just joking I love you all),
I would just like to remind you that even though buying overpriced clothes from named brands and designs can be somewhat fulfilling,there is another place on the high street where your shopping needs can seek refuge,somewhere you can find one of a kind,individual,vintage,items of clothing for affordable prices."Where? "I hear you cry,"There can't possibly be such a place!?" But there is oh foolish one,there is...
Okay,so I'm trying to glamorise a charity shop-but before you click away to google lolcats WAIT! STOP! Delete the L and the O and the L and the cats now. I know it sounds kind of ,er, trampy,but once you get past the thought that yes someone else has worn them before you,and the smell of old people, you will realise that charity shops ROCK. (some people like the smell of old people) You can find jazzy items of clothing and accessories from decades before you,that are vintage and a fraction of the price they would be if they were sold anywhere else. Not only are you saving money but you are doing good for others.
So next time you walk past a charity shop on the high street,go in,have a rummage around and see what you can find. I found this beautiful bag for only £3!
You're welcome
I would just like to remind you that even though buying overpriced clothes from named brands and designs can be somewhat fulfilling,there is another place on the high street where your shopping needs can seek refuge,somewhere you can find one of a kind,individual,vintage,items of clothing for affordable prices."Where? "I hear you cry,"There can't possibly be such a place!?" But there is oh foolish one,there is...
Okay,so I'm trying to glamorise a charity shop-but before you click away to google lolcats WAIT! STOP! Delete the L and the O and the L and the cats now. I know it sounds kind of ,er, trampy,but once you get past the thought that yes someone else has worn them before you,and the smell of old people, you will realise that charity shops ROCK. (some people like the smell of old people) You can find jazzy items of clothing and accessories from decades before you,that are vintage and a fraction of the price they would be if they were sold anywhere else. Not only are you saving money but you are doing good for others.
So next time you walk past a charity shop on the high street,go in,have a rummage around and see what you can find. I found this beautiful bag for only £3!
You're welcome
Tuesday, 12 February 2013
Dear my fellow fashionista's (yeah that's right i said it)
I don't mean to offend any of you reading this but if I do then you are not a fashionista,er sorry. Today's rant is about the 'trend' of Boy London jumpers and army jackets and Pauls Boutique coats. (the list goes on) I think you understand the type of clothes I mean now. When I see girls my age wearing any of the monstrosities above, part of me wants to rip my eyeballs out with my bare hands and then eat them raw, whilst the other part of me feels a bit sorry for them, do they know how ridiculously common they look? Their army jackets are working,because they are camouflaging into the rest of Britain's chav-kind. There are now two types of people in Britain; Chavs and everyone else. So my message to you,the people of Britain and the rest of the world(thanks America,Australia and Germany for my page views) is this: don't be afraid to stand out. Because after all '"Fashions fade, style is eternal."— Yves Saint-Laurent
-Some of my bestfriends have army jackets and I love you very much,you wear them very well,please don't hate me...
I don't mean to offend any of you reading this but if I do then you are not a fashionista,er sorry. Today's rant is about the 'trend' of Boy London jumpers and army jackets and Pauls Boutique coats. (the list goes on) I think you understand the type of clothes I mean now. When I see girls my age wearing any of the monstrosities above, part of me wants to rip my eyeballs out with my bare hands and then eat them raw, whilst the other part of me feels a bit sorry for them, do they know how ridiculously common they look? Their army jackets are working,because they are camouflaging into the rest of Britain's chav-kind. There are now two types of people in Britain; Chavs and everyone else. So my message to you,the people of Britain and the rest of the world(thanks America,Australia and Germany for my page views) is this: don't be afraid to stand out. Because after all '"Fashions fade, style is eternal."— Yves Saint-Laurent
-Some of my bestfriends have army jackets and I love you very much,you wear them very well,please don't hate me...
Friday, 8 February 2013
People of le interweb,
To creep or not to creep,that is the question. But no I'm not talking about Lonely Island's popular youtube video(check it out-its fab) I'm talking about the latest trend that has taken the whole of the female species(and some male) by surprise. Creepers originate from the 50's and then the 70's but doesn't anyone else think that there is a reason they went out of fashion? Not trying to sound like a hipster or anything,but back in 2012 I heard of creepers and thought 'dude those are pretty awesome shoes' and what happened? By the time I saved my money everyone had them. Do you know how heartbreaking that was? All I'm saying is that at first they were jazzy but now they're too common,but you don't have to listen to anything I say because I wear a teenage mutant ninja turtle shell backpack to school.
“TO THE STABLES, ROBIN.” –Alfred & Batman,
To creep or not to creep,that is the question. But no I'm not talking about Lonely Island's popular youtube video(check it out-its fab) I'm talking about the latest trend that has taken the whole of the female species(and some male) by surprise. Creepers originate from the 50's and then the 70's but doesn't anyone else think that there is a reason they went out of fashion? Not trying to sound like a hipster or anything,but back in 2012 I heard of creepers and thought 'dude those are pretty awesome shoes' and what happened? By the time I saved my money everyone had them. Do you know how heartbreaking that was? All I'm saying is that at first they were jazzy but now they're too common,but you don't have to listen to anything I say because I wear a teenage mutant ninja turtle shell backpack to school.
“TO THE STABLES, ROBIN.” –Alfred & Batman,
Thursday, 7 February 2013
If i could make a wish list and have everything on it, I would probably just write TOPSHOP in capital letters,underlined a few hundred times, but seeing as I can't I've done the next best thing and gone internet shopping for my 5 favourite items on ze lovely topshop website. Enjoy my prettiessssss!
Im loving Topshop's PAIGE premium woven cowboy boots this week, check them out, paired with their b-e-a-utiful Moto Denim Trapeze dress.
If you're not rich or a millionaire (like me) there are no two words you will love hearing more; 'topshop sale'. Here are some of my favourite buys found in the sale section. You're welcome.
First up is this Olivia cut out dress by Love for only £18
Secondly, an elegant Frill Trim Mac by Annie Greenabelle, okay it is £50 but it's still in the sale...
And lastly I have the stunning Dip Dye Maxi Skirt by Coco's Fortune at only £15
Stay fashionable.
Im loving Topshop's PAIGE premium woven cowboy boots this week, check them out, paired with their b-e-a-utiful Moto Denim Trapeze dress.
If you're not rich or a millionaire (like me) there are no two words you will love hearing more; 'topshop sale'. Here are some of my favourite buys found in the sale section. You're welcome.
First up is this Olivia cut out dress by Love for only £18
Secondly, an elegant Frill Trim Mac by Annie Greenabelle, okay it is £50 but it's still in the sale...
And lastly I have the stunning Dip Dye Maxi Skirt by Coco's Fortune at only £15
Stay fashionable.
Dear people of the internet,
Im sorry we're not yet on first name basis, but we will be soon enough my dear ones. Im still trying to figure out how to use this but hey at least I've found what I want to write about,(drum roll please) FASHION and other stuff that gets me excited (that sounded so cheesy). But isnt the whole concept of blog writing cheesy? Yes,yes it is,if it were a cheese it would be something cool,sexy and sophisticated like a brie. But I don't really want to bore you with my jokes on cheese even though it's udderly thrilling (get it? udderly as in udders as in where you get milk from to make cheese? Ye?- ah never mind) Cheese jokes aside, fashion has captivated me from an early age and in the posts to come I hope to share my loves and hates in the world of fashion weekly. Stay beautiful. Turtle away.............
Im sorry we're not yet on first name basis, but we will be soon enough my dear ones. Im still trying to figure out how to use this but hey at least I've found what I want to write about,(drum roll please) FASHION and other stuff that gets me excited (that sounded so cheesy). But isnt the whole concept of blog writing cheesy? Yes,yes it is,if it were a cheese it would be something cool,sexy and sophisticated like a brie. But I don't really want to bore you with my jokes on cheese even though it's udderly thrilling (get it? udderly as in udders as in where you get milk from to make cheese? Ye?- ah never mind) Cheese jokes aside, fashion has captivated me from an early age and in the posts to come I hope to share my loves and hates in the world of fashion weekly. Stay beautiful. Turtle away.............
Dear people of the internet,
I'm sitting here,on this dull thursday evening staring blankly at my screen,with my poorly-filled walkers prawn cocktail packet of crisps and my glass of apple juice, wondering what on earth to write as my first post on my blog. I've already googled 'how to write a good blog' and rummaged through wikipedia entries on blog-writing but nothing seems to help me. What can I, an average 16 year old,(with homework I probably should be concentrating on) say that could possibly entertain the race of people reading this,that are the cyber-nation. Nothing. That is the answer,absolutely nada. So instead of me writing things that will interest you, a bunch of random people I've never met, I'm going to write for me.Because I'm a STRONG INDEPENDENT BLACK WOMAN WHO DON'T NEED NO MAN,only joking I'm white.
I'm sitting here,on this dull thursday evening staring blankly at my screen,with my poorly-filled walkers prawn cocktail packet of crisps and my glass of apple juice, wondering what on earth to write as my first post on my blog. I've already googled 'how to write a good blog' and rummaged through wikipedia entries on blog-writing but nothing seems to help me. What can I, an average 16 year old,(with homework I probably should be concentrating on) say that could possibly entertain the race of people reading this,that are the cyber-nation. Nothing. That is the answer,absolutely nada. So instead of me writing things that will interest you, a bunch of random people I've never met, I'm going to write for me.Because I'm a STRONG INDEPENDENT BLACK WOMAN WHO DON'T NEED NO MAN,only joking I'm white.
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