How are we all on this fine and slightly depressing boxing day? I hope you all had fabulous Christmases, and you got everything that your little materialistic hearts desired!
Has anyone else noticed an increase in Timberland's lately? It seems like everywhere I look (I look at a lot of shoes) they're there...mocking me...haunting me...
They're spreading faster than you can say "Let me share this blog with my people"and I don't like it. (Try it,spread this blog with your people xo)
I just don't get the appeal, they're bulky, 'wheat' coloured- don't be fooled, the colour looks like baby food, boat shoes that, suddenly are acceptable for people that aren't lumberjacks to wear.( But are useful for taking long lonely walks in the country side with sheep and mud and fresh air *shudders*.)
Take the test to see if you should wear Timberlands:
1) Do you harvest trees?
YES-1 point
NO-0 points
2)Do you wear checked shirts?
YES-1 point
NO-0 points
3) Do you have a straggly beard?
YES-1 point
NO-0 points
4)How straggly?
VERY-2 points
4)Is your name Moonshine Jimmy, Prune-juice Doyle or Squeaky Joe?
YES-1 point
NO-0 points
How did you score?
6 points- yes you can wear Timberlands.
0 points-no Timberlands for you,Gretchen Weiners,sorry.
But hey, that's just my opinion- where do you stand in the whole "I want to wear Timberlands but I'm not a Lumberjack" fiasco? Love to hear any feedback!
If you like Timberlands then you wear 'em hunnnnnayyy *majestically clicks fingers in z formation, flicks hair to the side and pouts* mmmmmmmmmmhmmmmmmmmmmm.
Here's a picture of a Lumberjack mollusc in Timberlands doing his thang. (edited by my brother- fabulousness runs in the family.)
Stay swagulous xo
I thought it was just me noticing the outbreak loooool love your take on it. Well two snaps and a fruit loop you've gained a new follower
I love that 'well two snaps and a fruit loop', have to steal it from you!