*In my dictionary, I have multiple interpretations of squishy:
1) Squishy- [adjective-from the Latin skwish-ee] meaning cute.
That puppy is so squishy!
2)Squishy- [adjective-from the French scwishรจ] meaning comfortable or er,actually squishy.
What a squishy sofa you have!
3)Squishy-[noun- from the Spanish El Squishador] meaning a term of endearment.
Okay Squishy, I'll be at your house in 4 minutes.
As a full time fashionista, I want to despise tracksuits so much but I just can't. I physically cannot.
How can something so warm and cosy be so ratchet?
Sure, you may think, you are only popping to your local corner shop for a pint of milk for your earl grey, you probably won't see anyone...
WRONG.The corner shop will get robbed and so news reporters will be everywhere and it will be live on BBC and Johnny Depp will roll in looking for a wife and everyone you hate will be there sending snapchats of your poor,sad,lonely self in a tracksuit and you'll be known as tracksuit girl for the rest of your life.
But on the off chance you do see me in a tracksuit, spare me the judging, being full time fabulous is tiring work.
Everyone needs squishy days.
If you see me in a tracksuit...
(If you didn't laugh at that,er,why not???)
haha I didn't know that squishy had so many meanings! With no 'squishy' days in the week - it's not a week now, is it? haha!
ReplyDeleteThis post was super fun to read!
Ahaha, squishy is the word with a thousand meanings, thank-you for reading, will check out yours! xo