Thursday, 18 June 2015

Hi guyssss!

I know its been a while, but I have just finished exams (woooooooo), meaning I will have a lot of free time on my hands (bc lack of friends and money)....SO, that means more posts!

I think I am kind of drifting away from just fashion blogging and maybe becoming more of a lifestyle/ beauty/ reviews/ food blog, but that's okay, I'm okay with that. Are you okay with that? Good.

I think I'm just going to jump right into this metaphorical pool of lifestyle and reviews and face oil with a review of the 'Naked Beauty Balm', the most recent product I have bought and feel the need to vent about.

So, I spent £9 on the (travel size) 'Urban Decay Naked Beauty Balm' after reading many positive reviews that it was a good BB cream, and as I've said before I have quite oily skin. The product details stated that it:

'minimises pores, lines, wrinkles and redness instantly' ...nope lol

'hydrates instantly and improves hydration over time' ...this it did do- made my skin look ever oilier than usual. 

 'primes so make-up goes on beautifully and stays put'... that makeup slid right off my oily ass face :) 
'improve elasticity and provide measurable anti-ageing benefits'...what does this even mean??? How do you measure anti-ageing benefits??? 
It provided NO coverage for me and made my skin even more oily:(:(:(:( - (why u do this?) I was really shocked that it was so bad as it is an Urban Decay product, but I guess its just my difficult skin. (sigh). So, I would not recommend this product for those with oily skin, save your £9...or donate it to me, a poor girl who is now £9 down and drowning in face oil, ew. :(

Alas, I am still on the hunt for an effective BB cream for oily skin, that provides coverage, SPF, and just makes my skin look good au naturale, is that so hard to ask??????

If you have any good BB creams plssssssss comment/ email me, I am in desperate need of one.

P.S- do you think I should change my name to something more fitting of an everything blogger????  I feel like girl in the cowboy boots may be a bit dated,,,