Well this is strange; writing to all of you after us not speaking in so long (sorry 'bout that). It feels weird but I like it...Love me again? (By the way, watch out, a whole lot of rhetorical questions are coming up ahead,brace yourselves.)
Also,I don't understand how but I've still managed to get over 1,000 views since I last wrote to y'all,um, thanks...(why are you still checking here???Don't you have lives??? Jobs??) Thank-you, heart you all xxx
Okay, Miss nice princess façade over....................
I don't think it's very fair that I sit here in my pj's ranting about what I do and don't like about fashion when I literally wear leggings everyday to school...who can be bothered to look good at school? I bow down to all of you well dressed people at school.(I know I made that post about how I love people who make an effort for school,but that was when I was young and naive.)
Anyway, my rant for today is about the awkward stage between September and Autumn,is it too warm for jumpers yet? Is it acceptable for me to wear leggings everyday?(for me the answer is yes,for you, not so much.) And the most frequently asked question; what do I wear in September?????
I'm not going to pretend I have the answer to those (leggings remember?) but instead I'm just going to vent my anger towards September to you. It is literally the worst month out there. School, awkward changing weather, school, what season even is it??? Too hot for jumpers and leggings and boots (which is all I want right now) too cold for bare legs...(also too poor for new clothes).
*sigh* how am I supposed to be fabulous if I can't afford clothes:(:(:( ...(I could stop buying food.........................lol we both know thats not going to happen))))))
So dear viewers, what I'm trying to say is that instead of taking fashion advice from me(a slob with no clothes) go out into the world and buy yourself some leggings...
I can't wait for colder weather, so many snuggly jumpers and boots gfhjslkzsdjerf I am excited.
If you need fashion tips and advice (because I am absolutely no help this month, feeling very uninspired and tres bleugh) I've discovered this fabulous FREE (yaaaas) app that gives you different outfit choices and helps you find your perfect outfits. Its also soooo helpful as it shows you when the price drops (you know I love dat) so yes I definitely recommend this app. It's called Mallzee - http://app.adjust.io/umerqp
I'll write to you again when I'm feeling more inspired.
Stay fabulous!