Today,I HAVE to talk about something before my jugular vein gets going again.I don't even know what they're called but they're those ratchet ass spikes hipsta gals think are cool to attach to the end of their finger nails. Like srsly,why? I understand the appeal of walking around with 10 mini machetes on your hand,but pls look at them. They are so disgustingly cheap looking. If I see them,I feel like walking up to that poor lonely soul who needs someone in their life(be it a man,woman or Jesus,who am I to judge?) and repeatedly jabbing my eyeballs with each individual nail,but I refrain from doing so,why should I have to pay for your mistakes?
Another thing Edward Scissorhands,how is it humanly possible to get anything done (other than chop up root vegetables,or catch small woodland creatures) with them on?? I always get eyelashes in my eye,imagine trying to fish out an eyelash with one of those on,rip eyeball.
So next time you go to the nail salon,or wherever it is that you people go,and you consider getting these SPIKES inserted onto the ends of your fingers,NO,you can have normal shaped nails like the rest of us and not look like demons.:):):):)

*Hopefully that fcghbjkjhgv white box is gone,message,me or comment in the section below,any requests or opinions,stay fashionable,love shakira,be kind to animals,love thy neighbour*