Namaste everyone,well most of you.
So,it's getting to that time of year when those long summer days are almost within reach, but just escape our grips,being blocked by one last,tedious hurdle...prom.To most people it's the sweet compensation for the hours upon hours of grinding our heads against cheese graters,whilst rubbing sand paper over our eyes and plucking out each individual eyelash with our bare nails,aka revising.
'But why are you not looking forward to prom, Queen Nadia?' I hear you cry, well my dear minions,instead of me boring you with a list of things I hate about prom (which will just turn into a bitching list,and I'm a changed gal remember,I'm now spiritual and all that jazz) I will give you a list of things NEVER EVER to do/wear/attempt unless you want me to throw something heavy at you(most likely a stapler).
So here I go.
1)Wear a white suit.
If you have a white suit return it immediately,wait scrap that,don't return it,burn it and then throw a brick through the shop window where you bought it.(they should be punished for selling it).
2)Wear a normal bra with a strapless dress.
Seriously girls,this is a huge problem.If you have a strapless dress WEAR A STRAPLESS BRA IT'S NOT THAT HARD. Quote from Ant 'There will be one peasant that won't'.
I will find that peasant, and I will rip those straps off.
3)Wear fake tan.
Please, fake tan is not your friend. It's like that girl,who's nice to your face,and then goes and tells everyone you like her boyfriend,when he quite frankly looks like a toe.
4)Turn up in a flashy car.
This is kind of okay if you're getting dropped off at the venue,but if like my school you have to go to school first,do not ,I repeat DO NOT, get dropped off in your dads's mate's,brother's car. We're all getting the school's crusty old minibus to the venue,this isn't the Oscars.
Last but not least, I do not want to see any
5) PDA's.
Seriously,you might look hot,but come on,there are teachers in there,and it's weird,stop peasants!
Hope everyone has a great time at their proms, if they follow my rules,if not, Gok Wan will smite you with a fat lady at 12 oclock on prom night.